Squid Game 2, the second season of the South Korean dystopian thriller Squid Game, premiered on Netflix...
Open innovation lies at the heart of the artificial-intelligence (ai) boom. The neural network “transformer”—the t in...
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has announced that 2025 could mark a groundbreaking moment in artificial intelligence...
India ranks second in the list of countries whose users access websites that create sexually explicit deepfake...
Geoffrey Hinton, the British-Canadian computer scientist widely regarded as the “godfather” of artificial intelligence (AI), has raised...
Google is reportedly utilising Claude, an AI system developed by Anthropic, to enhance the performance of its...
Investors are accustomed to volatility in the semiconductor industry. But recent ups and downs have been especially...
India’s rich cultural heritage faces an uphill battle against the forces of time and neglect, and the...
India, with all its diversity, faces significant challenges when it comes to achieving social equity and inclusion....
Google CEO Sundar Pichai has recently announced the launch of Gemini 2.0, the latest and most advanced...